Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin

Looking to compare Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin shirts? Below you’ll find a review of the prices, quality and a detailed comparison the the actual garment measurements for TM Lewin and Charles Tyrwhitt shirts so you can work out which will fit you better.

Clicking on the images below will take you directly to Charles Tyrwhitt’s and TM Lewin’s sites. If you want to compare Charles Tyrwhitt and TM Lewin with other brands the comparison index page is here.

Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin – Pricing

The pricing of Charles Tyrwhitt and TM Lewin are roughly comparable. I say roughly comparable because they two retailers regularly offer special deals, such as 4 for £100 or shirts for $30, and have special voucher codes. Only a numpty pays full price for a Charles Tyrwhitt or TM Lewin shirt. Keeping up with these different deals is difficult and if I put pricing comparison data here there is a risk it would soon become out-of-date and/or misleading. Instead, for Charles Tyrwhitt and TM Lewin voucher codes I suggest you click on the sales and vouchers page for for the latest information I have.

Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin – Collars

When comparing Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin one clear difference is the collars and how they manufacture them.  Charles Tyrwhitt use a semi fused collar, meaning that the interlining (a stiffener inserted into the collar), is fused to the front of the collar.  That makes the collar stiffer and slightly more formal compared to TM Lewin, who don’t fuse their collars.  The TM Lewin collar is less stiff and more relaxed than the Charles Tyrwhitt collar, even with a plastic stiffener inserted into the collar. Therefore, if you’re looking for a formal shirt to wear in the office with a tie, you might want to go with Charles Tyrwhitt. If you’re looking for some less formal and more relaxed, to perhaps wear without a tie and with the top button undone, you might want to go with TM Lewin.

Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin – Quality

I think there is little difference if you compare the quality of Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin. Both are good value shirt makers and you are unlikely to have problems with either of them. My recommendation? Choose the type of collar you would prefer and use the information in the table below to find the shirt that fits you best and buy that one.

I think the quality is generally the same on average because TM Lewin and Charles Tyrwhitt are paying roughly the same amounts from the manufacturers they buy from. All the information I have is that Charles Tyrwhitt and TM Lewin are not fully vertically integrated – so they don’t make their own shirts. Instead they go out to manufacturers like TAL and Esquel, who make shirts for lots of brands in lots of different factories. The TM Lewin or the Charles Tyrwhitt buyer then negotiates a deal and orders some shirts. Depending on tax rules, exchange rates, or factory spare capacity, those shirts could be made in many different factories. Those factories will have varying levels of quality control, depending on the staff in those factories. So today if I go into TM Lewin I might get a good quality TM Lewin shirt and next time I go to buy one it might be lower quality. I think that averages out over time and there isn’t that much difference in the average quality.

Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin – Returns policy

Both have great returns policies. Charles Tyrwhitt have a no quibble six month refund policy. TM Lewin have a 30 days returns policy, that’s shortened from the three month policy they used to have.

Charles Tyrwhitt vs TM Lewin – Sizes

The tables below will let you compare the different shirt sizes of Charles Tyrwhitt vs Brooks Brothers. All sizes are in inches and all the measurements are garment sizes.

In terms of garment chest sizing, the ordering of the different cuts from small to large is given in Table 1 below.

Table 1 – Charles Tyrwhitt and TM Lewin Chest Sizes

Shirt Collar Size1414.51515.51616.51717.5181920
TM Super Fitted37.
CT Extra Slim37.539.541.543.545.547.049.0
CT Super Slim35.537.539.541.543.545.547.0
TM Fitted39.541.543.545.547.
CT Slim40.
TM Slim41.
CT Classic41.543.545.547.549.551.553.555.559.563.5
TM Regular43.

In terms of garment waist sizing, the ordering of the different cuts from small to large is given in Table 2 below.

Table 2 – Charles Tyrwhitt and TM Lewin Waist Sizes

Shirt Collar Size1414.51515.51616.51717.5181920
CT Super Slim31.532.534.536.538.540.542.5
TM Super Fitted33.
CT Extra Slim34.536.538.540.542.544.546.5
TM Fitted34.536.538.540.542.544.546.548.5
TM Slim36.
CT Slim37.
TM Regular40.
CT Classic41.

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